
Designed a proof of concept renewable energy source using a drainpipe and airfoil turbine design. Utilized Northeastern's 3D printing lab, as well as the machine shop to fabricate the pipe fitting, as well as the turbine to generate electricity from water flowing through drain pipes. Tested the circuit using SparkFun circuitry and tracked and graphed the results using MATLAB software.

Our design inspiration came from large scale hydropower generators, used often in city sewer systems or dams

Our design inspiration came from large scale hydropower generators, used often in city sewer systems or dams

Exploded SolidWorks assembly view of pipe assembly

Exploded SolidWorks assembly view of pipe assembly

The finalized Solidworks Model of the turbine used to generate electricity with water flow

The final voltage output, graphed on MATLAB software from water flowing through the pipe model

The final voltage output, graphed on MATLAB software from water flowing through the pipe model

Project Report Available Upon Request


Packaging Engineering


Upcycled Table Project